A is for Alcohol
My friend Racheal has been doing an encyclopedia of meme. One thing about herself for every letter of the alphabet. I really liked this idea, so I am stealing for my very own. I am not limiting the list to just one thing though. Also I have content for 26 posts without really thinking about it. :D
A is for AlcoholI have always liked drinking. Drinking to excess is not really my style, but quaffing a good pint is one of the more pleasurable things that enlighten my world. My family has never been big drinkers, so my palette has been self taugh. Beer has always been my alcohol of choice, with Gin being a close second. I wish I enjoyed wine, but every time I go to buy wine in the liqour store my eyes start to cross at the mind numing array of choices.
I had a pint of beer in belguim that I still remeber fondly. It was Belle Vue Frambois, and I have never been able to get it imported into canada. I have tried on 2 occasions, but there is always some problem...doh.
LOL, with beer your obvious next entry you've really done two at once!
B might just have to stand for a certain b-movie film star I obsess over... or maybe just B-movies....or both....grin
Alcohol and Bruce. Together. In that order. I smell danger in the air.
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