B is for B-Movies, Books, and Bruce
That's right, just like I said last post I am not going to restrain the Encyclopedia of meme to just on item per posting.
B is for B-Movies
I have aways had a soft spot for B-Movies. Those especially bad low budget midnight specials. Movies with names that start with Attack of the______, The Curse of the______, The man with______. Over the years I have seen allot of these masterworks, and although not for everyone, these cheesefests will always find an appreciative audience with me.
B is for Bruce CampbellYou can't talk about the genre of B-Film without eventually bringing up my second favorite actor ever. Bruce Campbell "the Chin" is a cult cinema icon. He's been the perennial favorite of director Sam Raimi, and the Coen brothers. His catalogue of film roles be them small or large is impressive. He has been the star of two television shows Jack of All Trades, and Brisco County Jr., as well of co staring in the USA networks Burn Notice. He been a zombie killer, Elvis Presley, the King of Thieves, secret agent, lawyer, bounty hunter, industrialist, soap opera star, old spice spokesman, astronaut....etc. Hes done it all, and somewhere in all that ado hes managed to pump out two books. If Chins Could Kill, Confessions of a B-Movie Actor, and the hilarious Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way. which brings us to the third listing today
B is for BooksI have always been a fanatical reader. I will read just about anything but there are a few authors that I can never seem to get enough of. Douglas Adams, Jim Butcher, Terry Pratchett, Kurt Vonnegut, Christopher Fowler, Bernard Shaw, Andre Dumas, Conan Doyle...etc. One of the scariest things I ever watched was an episode of the twilight zone, where Bridges Meredith character survived the end of the world, and had finally enough time to read all the books in the library. Then his glasses break. There is something about that... sends shivers down my spine.... brrrr.
Dear Beer with...
Heh, where is Bruce Campbell these days?
A friend of mine first introduced his work to me years ago. Although the material was definitely B quality, he held up pretty well under the circumstances.
Bruce Campbell is currently on the USA networks show "Burn Notice". He is the wise cracking oldtimer that helps out the lead character. He is also the current spokeperson for Old Spice. He has made two commercials that are absolutly priceless. Go to YouTube and search for Bruce campbell and either IT or Hungry Like The Wolf.... they are great.
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