F is for Fire
F is for FireHey everyone, lets all have a marshmallow roast, fire is at Moli!. Today I arrived at my workplace to find allot of people standing around in the cold damp parking lot. Alarms were screaming, and Firetruck sirens were off in the distance. Apparently a research cell had vented in an incubator, and had caused a fire. When a grand total of 10 firetrucks, 2 ambulance and who knows how many police trucks
showed up, we all thought that this might be it for Moli. With Traffic helicopters buzzing the site, and all traffic directed away from the industrial park, we eventually got the news, that the fire had been contained to the immediate area of the original incubator going up. What we do have is allot of smoke, and water damage from the sprinkler system. Since allot of my work areas
and office is in the immediate area of the restricted zone, I was unable to go into our area, and was sent home...hurrah. I spent my illgotten extra hours on prodigious napping.
Will this day off carry over into tomorrow? :)
And are we sure said fire started before you arrived at work and not after you left the "restricted zone"?!?
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