Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Walking on Air

Its weird how a little thing will make your whole day complete.

I was having a particularly nasty day at work, and when lunch came around, I bolted from the building with nowhere in particular to go....

I found myself in the local Value Village, trying to find some good used books to read, when my eye was caught be something across the room.

A beam of light shining from the heavens illuminating....(or at least it seemed to be from heaven...it could have just been a pot light) a thing of such untold beauty, I nearly wept for joy.

I had found an "EVIL DEAD" lunchbox

unfortunately it didn't come with the thermos...I never use thermos' anyhow.

Bruce Campbell's face is all over it.

I am in such a good mood right now.

listening to: Thrill Kill Kult ~ Blue Buddha


CSTS Vancouver said...

Yay for that! You can bring it the next time we have a show and tell!

Unknown said...

Ok. I didn't realize that you'd found it at Value Village. What the hell man? Who would give away a thing of such beauty?

I'm confused. What's the world coming to?