Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Scariest Movie Scene Ever

I have recently been watching a few movies that I remember fondly from my youth. It struck me that quite often the movies that strike the biggest chord in me, are not particularly good films. Its little bits of comedy, or horror that make me remember these films. Hudson Hawk is craptacular example of a film, but It has one of the best slapstick scene's in a comedy I recall. For approx. 45 seconds of film....all is forgiven, and it remains one of my all time favorites.

Steven King novels that are made into movies are usually pretty bad. That said, the single scariest moment in film comes from that horrible movie, Pet Cemetery. I have seen this film (or at least the first 10 minutes or so), more times than I care to admit. Yet even though I am well versed in this movie, I still jump out of my skin and scream like a little girl, when that stupid cat jumps out of the tree, just before the music cues tell you something is going to happen. It scares the bejesus out of me.

I have been asked to bring out the movie "Phil the Alien" to my Friday night scifi club meeting. This is a little know canadian film that involves Phil the Alien, lots of alcohol and a talking beaver. Yet even a low budget Canadian scifi telefilm special has a great scene where Phil has just left the talking beavers lodge and staggers through the woods looking for the tavern...bottle of whiskey (medicine) in hand. Sounds awful right? Now put Rush's "Tom Sawyer" over the whole

listening to: Talking Head ~ Psycho Killer

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