Thursday, May 24, 2007

Top 5 Things Currently Making Me Happy

Well, Yesterday I posted the top 5 reasons I was currently pissed off. Today is sequel day. Top 5 things currently making me happy.

#5. Daily Worship
#4. Minor Crush
#3. Flowers Blooming
#2. Face book Addiction
#1. Swinging Leland


#5. When I wake up in the morning the last few weeks, the neighbourhood is quite, and the sky is still in transition from dark to bright. Often there is the pinks and purple hues that paint the horizon. I stand at the backdoor with a steaming cup of coffee in hand, and worship as only a Javacursian can.

#4. I have a small crush on someone, who it is I will not say. Doesn't even really matter who it is, its that butterfly in the stomach, and weak in the knees feelings I get when I hear his voice. I am such a sucker for cool sounding voices. Makes me happy

#3. The Dogwood and Lilac trees are in bloom. I mentioned this in a previous post that they are my favorite flowers, and they are still both in bloom.

#2. Face book is making me happy, cause its reconnecting me with old friends I haven't talked to in a longtime. The disturbing pictures from scouting are to funny for words.

#1. The number one thing that is currently making me happy, is my nephews smiling face and enthused vocalisations of joy that emanate from the little man every time hes swinging. Such unbridled Joy...Its contagious I tell you

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I NEED DETAILS. But I know you won't share them will you.