Thursday, May 03, 2007

New P/T Job?

So I have just got back from a job interview today. Its for a part time job at a local grocery store that doesn't conflict with my real job, or my fairly limited social calender. The job is for a cashier / price changer. The kicker is the applicant must be willing to work the Saturday night graveyard shift. I applied for only the Saturday night graveyard, and have no interest in the cashiers job. I guess that was a bit of a first for the guy. =)

Crossing my Fingers
all 12 of them


Unknown said...

I knew you were looking for a job but I didn't realize you were looking for something part time! Does this mean no more Saturday movies? ;)

Colleen O'Prime said...

I haven't got the job yet, but Even if I do, its a graveyard so I might still be able to make it out to the early ones.

Anonymous said...

Good luck!