Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Cry me a frak'n river

The last couple of days, I have heard so many people crying about Betty Krawczyk being sentenced to 10 months in jail, that I feel the need to vent.
For those of you that may not have been following this story, here is my shortened version.
Betty is famous for being an old chick that likes to protest for enviromental causes. She is also known for repeatedly ignoring judicial orders to stay out of certain areas. Time and again she has crossed the line from simply protesting (which is everyones right), to breaking the rules. She has been warned repeatedly, and has even spent a bit of time in the big house. Her causes may be the right thing to do (or wrong...don't care), but when you break the rule of law you need to own up and deal with the consequences. To give Betty her do thou, She is admirably willing to go to jail for her opinions. Its all the others out there that are whining that she is being sentenced to 10 months in the Pen that are driving me nuts.

I don't care shes old
I don't care shes a grandmother
I don't care if her cause is right or wrong
I don't care that car thieves get less time in jail....
(actually I do care, they should get a hell of allot more time)

Commit the crime, do the time

She is a habitual repeat offender, and should be punished.
Canada affords a plethora of opportunities to protest, but when the courts rule that you must stay behind the yellow police tape....YOU DO IT. Go to the Legislature and protest, carry a placard outside your MLA office, Call the press and whine to them....actually don't do that cause then I 'd have to watch you whining on the 5 o'clock news.

Yes the rules even apply to Betty Krawczyk!!!!!!

I have been know to break rules (especially when I was younger), but when I was caught I always owned up, and dealt with the consequences.

Arrrggg I find this all so annoying.

I need to destress. I think I'll go tend to my bonsai tree now!

Listening to: Dave Stewart (From Eurythmics fame) ~ Greetings from the gutter

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have to say I totally agree. Sure she's old but she still did wrong. Would we be as worried if she had broken the law by, say, killing someone? Would people still be up in arms about it or would they want her locked up?

Breaking the law is breaking the law and one is responsible for the consequences.